We are looking for people to come along and help at the section meetings on a Monday or a Friday. It does not have to be every week as long as we know when you can attend we can plan accordingly. You do not need any special skills just a willingness to have fun.
We have various roles in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, why not come along and have a chat about how you can help, find out which role would suit you or just have a chat about what it is all about.
We currently have a waiting list for young people to join because we do not have sufficient adult help to supervise our meetings, young people in Denton are missing out on the experience of scouting because we need adults to help. you will be required to obtain an enhanced DBS but this will cost you nothing and we sort it all out for you. Some of the roles have have very little training, all of which is simple online courses which can be done when you have 30 minutes to spare.
Interested, then contact us for a no obligation chat about what is involved and the options you have, what have you got to loose and you never know it could be just what you were looking for. You can call in to one of our meetings on a Monday (7pm till 8:30pm) or Friday (6pm till 8:30pm), put a message in the comments and someone will contact you, email keith.burdon@tamesidesouthscouts.org.uk or fill in the form at www.4thdentonscouts.org.uk/volunteer