We entered three teams into the District Incident Hike on Saturday 23rd March. All the teams from the District met up at 5th Hyde for a kit check then off they went on a 16Km walk around all the Group HQ’s in the District. At each HQ they were asked to take part in an activity which included 1st Aid, pioneering, problem solving and Fire lighting. All groups had to be back at 5th Hyde before 5pm.
All of our groups managed to complete the course and return to 5th Hyde before the 5pm deadline. Then it was the wait while the various scores from the day were collated. Once this was done Ben Barnes (ADC Scouts) announced the top 3 teams. One of our teams had come in third place and then the big news one of our teams had actually won the event and were presented with the Dunlop Trophy by Jim & Christine Dunlop.
Congratulations to the young people in the winning team and a big Well Done to all our young people in the other two teams