The group AGM will take place on Friday 20th September 2024 starting at 7pm at the Wellness Centre. The AGM is required by the Charity Commission and follows a prescribed format. The AGM is organised by the Group Trustee Board which comprises of volunteers who are Trustees of the 4th Denton Scout Group; anyone can volunteer to be a Trustee and on 4th July this year the following post was made:


Every Scout Group requires trustees, which form the Group Trustee Board. The Trustee

Board oversees the administration of the Group. As well as a Chair, and Treasurer, each

Trustee Board welcomes people with specific skills as well as representatives of Beaver,

Cub and Scout parents. Most Trustee Boards meet three or four times a year, but effective

members will volunteer for tasks in between the meetings, thus ensuring the smooth

running of the Scout Group and maximising its potential for a hugely positive impact on

its young members.

4th Denton Scout Group is part of the Scouts, offering fun, friendship and skills

for life to over 460,000 young people across the UK.


Contact Keith Burdon by email for more details.

If you wish to volunteer to be a Trustee for 4th Denton Scout Group please contact me so we can include you in the process at the AGM to get you approved.

At the AGM the Trustees will recommend that the Group adopt the model Constitution as defined in Chapter 5 of the Scout Association’s Policy, Organisation and Rules, a copy of which is attached to this post for you to read before the AGM.

We will after the required formal proceedings be presenting the young people with the badges and awards they have earned in the last six months; this will be followed by a chance for a chat and a cup of tea/coffee.

If you have any questions about the evening then please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the Trustees.